
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Facebook and Twitter and Blogs Oh My!

So this is technically my second post on my brand spanking new, shiny, right out of the box, new car smelling blog. I have seriously spent an entire day acquainting myself with my new Twitter account. I would maybe link it here in the blog, but I am certain it is slapped all over the rest of the page as it is.

So now I have my new Facebook account, my new Facebook page, my new Twitter feed, so I can tweet about a twit and...Yeah no sorry for that. But the most important part is I now have a new blog, and I can write every single, last, cotton picking day. I can post of poetry, I can rant and rave, but best of all is I can now share my ideas, my theories, and my stories without scrutiny. I can do as I like, and I can say as I please, and hell if you're reading this you can comment, and I can comment back. Wow this is much more like Facebook or Twitter, right? Wrong.

I read today my old, old, old, not that old, DeadJournal. I haven't posted on that site since I was 21 years old, so moving just past 7 years now. That was also the last time I wrote anything, well that is, wrote anything that I could openly share with others. Who didn't have a LiveJournal or a DeadJournal, when the biggest way to communicate to people was on forums, if not on AOL Instant Messenger, and ICQ. But the thing that rocked so hard was the ability for a mass community to share and spread ideas to each other openly and with measured thought. I use to love it. And somewhere I lost it.

I'm no beginner with technology, in fact, if you asked my wife she would be more than willing to damn my name a thousand times considering all the electronics and devices I have spliced through out the house. My remotes of mass destruction that control everything I can possibly program in. So when Myspace came out, yeah I had one...caused drama. Got rid of it. I walked away from social networking, because honestly, it is nothing but trouble for about ninety percent of the people I know. Everyday boyfriends and girlfriends broke up, because of some stupid stalker chick that wouldn't stop messaging blah, blah, blah. We've all seen it. So my wife and I stayed away from it.

I even had the same thoughts about Facebook, because I saw the exact same trends happening. A bunch of he said, she said crap. I didn't much want anything to do with it. But I figured out later that Facebook and Twitter are pretty sweet to say the least.  Facebook has allowed me to reach out and contact people, while very close to me, I had lost contact with. For me to get on Facebook and realize, I need to do whatever I can to stay in contact with the people I care about, took the death of one of my dearest and closest friends that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in my entire life. He was a son, a brother, a father, and my friend. Somehow I lost sight of this and lost contact. It was a devastating day for his family, basically my own family to take that on. And it was Facebook that allowed me to reach out and make contact when all I had to link us all was a single friend that was also close. He happened to stay in contact with either side and through him, I got back people I had lost. So even though he is gone I owe him a great thanks. It was his passing that brought me to Facebook, it was Facebook that allowed me to stay in touch with friends and family that I love so dearly from thousands of miles away. It's nearly as if they live next door we can interchange information so quickly now.

The use of Facebook pushed me to talk to people who inspire me. It pushed me to make more friends than I already had, and it allows me to share back with those same people. And the surprising thing is I was in my garage sweating my life away in a hundred plus degree weather of Arizona, and I came across my old journals, and my entire book collection. A collection I have maintained since I was young teen, but unfortunately had to make room for the kids. My original first edition of Wizard's First Rule that I have had since I was in the eighth grade. The book that inspired me to want to be a writer. I have owned hardbacks and paperbacks of the entire series. Multiple times.

But the juice that was the sweetest was to read all the obnoxious and trivial things that I concerned myself with in my younger years. I won't say youth, because well, I'm not old or elderly.  I haven't earned the wizened respect to use that term. Either way, I read some great things that I wrote when I was in high school, I read things about girls, and whined and whined like an overly "emo" teenager does. It was refreshing to say the least.

I remember trying to write a book when I was 19 years old. I had dubbed it "The Halfling". I had been so proud of the two and a half chapters that I had been able to accomplish. I can still remember every detail of what I wrote, because I believed in what I was writing. Somewhere along the road I let it slip away from me and didn't pursue it. In fact I lost it once, because my computer crashed. Got another computer and got the hard drive working in it. I transferred everything to another hard drive and ditched the junk one. Turns out the new hard drive went to crap on me as well. Now I have a hard drive that could probably be recovered and my story along with it.

The reality is I am nearly 10 years older now, I have kids, and I have a wife. I have a career in heavy chassis transit vehicles, namely buses. But I don't want to wrench forever, at least not to collect a paycheck. I want to write, and maybe I won't make it as a big time author. Maybe I will. What I do know is that I feel it again. That electricity, that spark of imagination, and this time I am not letting it go. So now having read some new books on establishing my craft I am taking steps forward. I am reinventing myself, literally.

So now I have made twitter account so I can reach out and meet new people who love and live like I do. If i'm lucky you're one of them. And now I have a real blog, my personal journal to take where I wish, when I wish. And if you're reading this, come along and join me. I have stories to tell, and I want everyone, and their everyone and then their everyone to join in.

So today I built my Facebook, and I built my Twitter, and I created my blog, and now I slap the first real words into it.

Today I aspire to write. I aspire to write everyday, until the day I die.


  1. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift! Seeing you inspired to get back to writing, seeing the spark come alive again and finding once again that creative path that you had been so passionate about, that's all I ever wanted for you when you left MI. I'm so happy and excited about your outlook and all the amazing ways you will capture it on paper. Don't lose the passion. Your creativity was always there, it just needed a jump start. I'm so proud of you! I love you!


  2. Thanks Nikki, without your support I wouldn't be anywhere. You gave me every bit of reassurance today that I am doing what I should be doing. I love you and thank you from the very deepest pool of my heart.
